Monday, July 18, 2011

New Products and Promos- Free l00th interment and 5% of lots for sale- FREE

The Holy Gardens Memorial Park memorial group just ended its promo for the first semester the paylite 888. The paylite 888 features low looooow downpayment of only l0% and monthly payments of  only P888. 00.  Its really biggg big sayang (regrets!!!) if you did not avail.

However there are new promos and products that are being set up for the second semester:

l.  The ash crypts.  They are the newest in memorialization and are available in HOLY GARDENS LA UNION MEMORIAL PARK, HOLY GARDENS PANGASINAN, AND HOLY GARDENS GREENHILLS. Ash crypts are very affordable at Holy Gardens group because they cost only 50%  (or even less than other ash crypts in the market today)

2.  Body crypts.   They are available at leases;  l0 years and 20 years.  They are both designed to meet the memorial requirements of those who whose families face budget constraints due to the prolonged illness of the loved ones.  These may be considered as halfway house/points for the dearly departed.  When the families can afford, they can transfer their loved ones at the regular lots.   The l0 year lease is even made affordable whose families are in really very very tight financial conditions. For further details, please ask our chief marketing officers, agents, and customer service specialists (css).

3.PROMOTIONS:  Free l00th interment.  We will count all our interments since January 20ll. The l00th interment is on us.  It is free.  The bone transfer is however excluded from the count.!!! (For office sale and referrals, we plan to have free 5% of the total lots via a raffle of total number of lots in a challenged location at the park.)  We will formalize this  and announce when we get all the details and approval.